Page name: Wiki Fantasy Roleplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-05 01:41:49
Last author: xido
Owner: xido
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Wiki Fantasy Roleplay

The Wiki Fiction Roleplay Fantasy
RPGs, Wikis, Stories and Games


This page is continuously renovated and updated by [xido], and
all volunteering Official Guild Moderators


The first and official RPG Guild of Elftown.

See Also: The Wiki Sci-fi Roleplay
Part of the Wiki Fiction Roleplay Creative Writing and RPG Guild


Welcome to the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay. This fantasy nook has been set up as an escape for all you other avid roleplayers out there who are also avid wikiers. If you're a rook to the WFR - Wiki Fiction Roleplay - you'll want to know a bit about what exactly it is we do here, no?

The Wiki Fantasy Roleplay's main aim is to give all advanced roleplayers in Elftown a chance to roleplay fantasy with others like them.

This is an ongoing roleplay, meaning that good Roleplayers will naturally post setting-storylines throughout. Please remember that you will be playing the same character in the same environement, maintaining relationships with other characters over an extended period of time. If you are in two places at once, it should be made apparent what time it is , in contrast with other wiki posts, and how you got from each place to the other. I feel this is the best way to roleplay. Hopefully we will be able to get some sort of a mass-wiki plot developing, but for now we're just going to roleplay in a more or less basic fantasy/medieval roleplay environment.

The WFR was originally created to house only original fantasy roleplaying.

Now, with the help of [Nightshadow], the WSFR, our sci-fi sister site, is now ready to work toward the future goals of storytellers here on Elftown!


Character Page

Interested in joining? This page includes everything you need to know about applying, including links to the app page, the formidable list of accepted players, and tips on character creation.
See also: WFR Application Page, The League of Accepted Characters and the new WFR Guild Members Page, Rank Page/WFR CHAR Rank Page, Species Page/ WFR CHAR Race Page, Creature_List

Text Adventures, WFR Games and WFR Quests

Yup. This is where all the magic happens. From the Realms of Lemire to Jashnia, Dysphasia, and other Guild-supported games, these pages links some of the finest and most diverse play in Elftown. If you're interested in making your well-developed roleplaying game part of the Guild, this is where to start planting the seeds for good wiki stories and games!

Role Playing for Dummies, Androntel Academy, and the RPG Library

These pages contain links to useful how-to pages, featuring tips for beginning to advanced roleplayers, among other useful tidbits of information. (Pirate terminology? Don't understand D&D alignments? Step right up!)
Also see the full list of

WFR Guild Pages, Mods, & GMs


Until recently, a mostly-forgotten page about... what else? Chatting with other WFR guild members!
Rather than having elaborate conversations in pure squidgie talk (^_^ , o.O , X.x, >.> , :P , wut r u doin today?(or IRC) , etc.) you can keep crazy conversations to this page, unless you prefer to use the comments section for blabber.... which I don't.
WFR and WSFR members are welcome to chat their days away on this page, either in comments, or in crazy in-person roleplay. Anyone with an interest in roleplaying, guild membership, or fun wikis can come and converse on this page without fear of feeling unwelcome or inadequate. Ask questions, find new wiki stories, or just babble like a crazy monkey on this page.

PLEASE CHECK OUT AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE CREATURE_LIST!!! The WFR Char RACE Page and WFR Char RANK Page are now in progress. All Race pages will be formatted similar to the Human Races page, and D&D-termed Classes will be integrated into Ranks and Titles.

See the WFR Renovations and Updates

(Page and auxilliary pages are consistently under construction and renovation until further notice. Check page version 120 to search for missing info. -[Nightshadow])


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2003-04-04 [Naruko]: btw, can u be at two or multiple places at once?? or can you only go to another wiki page after u leave?

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: Yes, your character may be at two places at once.

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: kwel that makes it easier

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: Rules: When roleplaying, you must do your very best to use proper grammar, punctuation, etc. I do not want any Internet lingo, such as "u" rather than "you" and "r" rather than "are."

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: heh urz is much more complicating than mai rpgs cus itz all on one pg~~wanna join? i have a list in mai house

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: One of yours, Heavens Above, looks pretty interesting I think I'll join ^.^

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: kwel!! though that one is kinda dead so far cuse we don't have enough deities~~the best one so far is Aeolian's Elemental Darkness

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: Sounds good I'll check it out. Tell people about mine too if you want! ^.^

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: kk~~itz on mai page already

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: I think I like this format for roleplaying though, rather than the big one-paged clump, because it's more organized and you know where you are, but I don't know. Yours works pretty well, I'm just not used to that way I guess ^.^

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: yesh i'm just 2 lazi to make so many wiki pgs~lol

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: LoL Yeah that was probably more work than it was worth... oh well. :-P lol

2003-04-04 [Naruko]: lolz well i'm gonna go to sleep soon~~post in elemental darkness!!

2003-04-04 [Maedilynn]: I will!

2003-04-04 [muffin_killer]: I'm confused.....How do you post......

2003-04-12 [Llyna]: I can't decide on who to be.. I have so many characters I could use...

2003-04-16 [seraphymn]: It's funny that of all the people accepted, only, what, four of us are playing? *sigh* ^_~

2003-04-16 [seraphymn]: I have a question: if, say, you want to get a story going, is it all right creating minor characters that really have no relevance, so you can develop a little dialog or whatnot? (ie: talking to a street merchant or whoever....)

2003-04-16 [Maedilynn]: Yes that's fine.

2003-04-16 [Maedilynn]: Sorry I've been gone, I'm in a show and rehearsals are literally every day for 12 hours. It's ridiculous. Les Miserables, you might have heard of it... anyway, I won't be all that active 'til it's over, end of April

2003-04-16 [Naruko]: *GASP* heh i just saw that show a couple weeks ago at the high skool near me

2003-04-18 [Glimoni]: Can I join in this is only my second roleplay in elftown (I left the other one - I couldnt keep up.)

2003-04-18 [Glimoni]: Ohhh maybe not *Dissapears*

2003-04-21 [Amedyr]: *whiny tone* I wanna pla-aay!

2003-04-28 [Amedyr]: Woot! I'm in! Thanks! :D

2003-05-12 [seraphymn]: No way! Les Mis, I love that musical!! ^_^

2003-05-13 [Naruko]: i lyke CAAATS luuv cats lol

2003-05-18 [seraphymn]: Never seen Cats, but I'm dying to!!

2003-05-18 [Naruko]: tis good

2003-06-09 [Motone]: yo. ^.^

2003-06-09 [albdon]: good morning

2003-06-12 [champagnebommer 77]: I'll have to get in on this, but I'm too tired right now and my whole day is booked.

2003-06-13 [champagnebommer 77]: How long does it take for my character to get initiated as a new char in the world?

2003-06-16 [Larka]: *walks in and looks around*

2003-06-16 [champagnebommer 77]: is this active anymore?

2003-07-07 [krishna_erasmus]: *pokes his head in and looks around* Hmmm....*hops over to the character page to think up a character*

2003-07-31 [Neko the Kitty]: um where do you put your char?

2003-08-03 [Blood Raven]: So, when's it going to start? I've just finished my character, but I don't see the story. And how do I know I'm accepted into the wiki?

2003-08-03 [Neko the Kitty]: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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